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Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy is a safe, non-invasive, approach to healing bulging, herniated, or degenerated discs. It has proven to have over an 86% success rate and a great alternative option to back surgery. We look to have even more success here in our office because with your care you also receive spinal adjustments, heat and ice, pulsed EMF, and Cold Laser Therapy. Watch these short videos to learn more!

ReBuilder Neuropathy Therapy 

Neuropathy plagues millions of American's and most are left with little information on their condition. Until recently the only option for managing this condition was medication, most often found to be not effective, or other therapies such as a TENS unit. Now we have a new option, providing a 96% success in treating these symptoms such as burning, numbness, tingling, electric shock like symptoms in the hands, feet, arms, or legs. Watch this short video for a little more information!

ReBuilder is trusted and used by Medical Professionals all over the world. It is currently used in the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Medical School, and many more! The ReBuilder has become the medical standard for Peripheral Neuropathy and Nerve pain because it works!

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